The Secret to Life is Choice

All of us search for the “Secret to Life.”  What’s the one piece of information that will solve all of our problems, turn bald men into hairy beasts and make all of our dreams come true.  Here’s the answer, although the answer will not fix male pattern baldness.  The secret to choice.

 We are faced with choices all day, every day.  Many of these choices make little real difference in our lives.  Is it really going to change the trajectory of your life if you eat lunch at one restaurant and not another?  Probably not.

 But what about the “Big Life Choices?”  Have you ever seen someone make a big life change and you were jealous?  Maybe they are moving to another company, starting a business, relocating to another state.  You may tell yourself, “That would be great,  but...  We can quickly convince ourselves of all the reasons NOT to make a choice that can bring us purpose and fulfillment.  This is usually because we are simply afraid of the unknown.  We limit our own lives because we tell ourselves “if I try, I may fail.”  We never seem to tell ourselves “if I try, I may succeed.”  We make the choice to fail before we ever try.  That’s a choice.  Dreaming up the excuses of why we can’t try something, why we can’t live life intentionally, is a choice.  Too often, we choose to stay in the familiar despite the fact that the familiar is unfulfilling and dissatisfying.  We choose safe over possibility.

What choices have you made that have changed the trajectory of your life?  How often have you chosen the same ole song and dance because of unsubstantiated fear?  What would life be like if you took away the fear and lived intentionally?


Fulfilled Doesn’t Mean Easy


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