Fulfilled Doesn’t Mean Easy
We search for a life of fulfillment. What is it we are looking for? Fulfillment is defined as “the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted.” One word that is missing from this definition is “easy.” When we live a life that is fulfilling, it does not mean that we live on the proverbial “Easy Street.” I believe it means that we live a life of purpose. We live intentionally each day to fulfill that purpose, whatever it may be. So, to live a life of fulfillment, one must determine his or her life purpose and live each day to achieve that purpose.
I recently heard an interesting point of view about life purpose. Life purpose is not something that is bestowed upon us. We get to choose what that purpose is. Even better, we can change our minds about it. Your life purpose at 25 does not have to be your life purpose at 45. At one point in life, your purpose may be completing school, another point it may be focused on your career, and yet another point may be focused on family. Just know the answer to the question, “why do you get up in the morning?” Living intentionally in this manner, even if it’s challenging, will bring fulfillment.